10.6.2024   DEVOTIONAL

   Martha says, in verse 21, Lord, if you had been here, my  brother would not have died.She questions, but she hasnt given up on him. Verse 22: But even now I know that  whatever you ask from God, God will give you.Jesus answers (verse 23), Your brother will rise again.Verse  24: Martha says to him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.Jesus says to her (verses  25–26), “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and every-  one who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?

   Here Jesus reveals his glory with his words with the  truth. He says, you believe that there is a great and glorious day of resurrection coming at the end of the age,  when all believers will be raised bodily from the grave. You are right. And heres the mystery: I am the arrival of that  day. You thought that day would come with the Messiah. I am the Messiah. It has come.

   And further, he is saying, let me be specific, Martha. I am  exactly what Lazarus needs, and what you need. He is dead, and you are alive. So listen. Whoever believes in  me, though he die, yet shall he live’” (verse 25). Thats for Lazarus. And Everyone who lives and believes in me shall  never die(verse 26). Thats for you. I will rescue Lazarus, body and soul, from the grave, and when I do it doesnt  matter. And you. You live, and believe in me, and so you will never die there will never be one millisecond when  you are out of saving fellowship with me. And do you know what this means, Martha? It means I love you. And I love  your brother. I will not abandon his soul to the pit or let his flesh be destroyed. I will raise him. And I will keep you in  everlasting fellowship with me. I am telling you this. I am revealing my power and my glory to you, because I love  you.

Pastor's Blog


Blessings on Your Life in Jesus,


Glen Howard Moore, B.A., Masters of Divinity